Source code for unipy.utils.wrapper

"""Docstring for ``Wrapper``.

High-level Function Wrapper
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Operation Wrapper
multiprocessor       Functional wrapper for multiprocessing.
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uprint               Print option interface within a function.
lprint               stdout the shape of input layer & output layer in DL
aprint               Stdout the `numpy.ndarray` in pretty.
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import numpy as np
import itertools as it
import multiprocessing as mpr

__all__ = [

[docs]def multiprocessor(func, worker=2, arg_zip=None, *args, **kwargs): """Use multiprocessing as a function. Just for convenience. Parameters ---------- func: Function Any function without ``lambda``. worker: int (default: 2) A number of processes. arg_zip: zip (default: None) A ``zip`` instance. Returns ------- list A list contains results of each processes. See Also -------- ``multiprocessing.pool`` Examples -------- >>> from unipy.utils.wrapper import multiprocessor >>> alist = [1, 2, 3] >>> blist = [-1, -2, -3] >>> def afunc(x, y): ... return x + y ... >>> multiprocessor(afunc, arg_zip=zip(alist, blist)) [0, 0, 0] >>> def bfunc(x): ... return x + 2 ... >>> multiprocessor(bfunc, arg_zip=zip(alist)) [3, 4, 5] """ with mpr.pool.Pool(processes=worker) as pool: resp = pool.starmap(func, arg_zip, *args, **kwargs) return resp
[docs]def uprint(*args, print_ok=True, **kwargs): """Print option interface. This function is equal to ``print`` function but added ``print_ok`` option. This allows you to control printing in a function. Parameters ---------- *args: whatever ``print`` allows. It is same as ``print`` does. print_ok: Boolean (default: True) An option whether you want to print something out or not. arg_zip: zip (default: None) A ``zip`` instance. """ if print_ok: print(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def lprint(input_x, output, name=None): """Print option interface. This function is to stdout the shape of input layer & output layer in Deep Learning architecture. Parameters ---------- input_x: numpy.ndarray A ``numpy.ndarray`` object of input source. output: numpy.ndarray A ``numpy.ndarray`` object of output target. name: str (default: None) An optional name you want to print out. """ print(f'{str(name)}:\t{input_x.shape} -> {output.shape}')
[docs]def aprint(*arr, maxlen=None, name_list=None, decimals=None): """Stdout the `numpy.ndarray` in pretty. It prints the multiple `numpy.ndarray` out "Side by Side." Parameters ---------- arr: numpy.ndarray Any arrays you want to print out. maxlen: int (default: None) A length for each array to print out. It is automatically calculated in case of `None`. name_list: list (default: None) A list contains the names of each arrays. Upper Alphabet is given in case of `None`. decimals: int (default: None) A number to a specified number of digits to truncate. Examples -------- >>> from unipy.utils.wrapper import aprint >>> arr_x = np.array([ ... [.6, .5, .1], ... [.4, .2, .8], ... ]) >>> arr_y = np.array([ ... [.4, .6], ... [.7, .3,], ... ]) >>> aprint(arr_x, arr_y) ========================================= | A | B | | (2, 3) | (2, 2) | ========================================= | [[0.6 0.5 0.1] | [[0.4 0.6] | | [0.4 0.2 0.8]] | [0.7 0.3]] | ========================================= >>> aprint(arr_x, arr_y, name_list=['X', 'Y']) ========================================= | X | Y | | (2, 3) | (2, 2) | ========================================= | [[0.6 0.5 0.1] | [[0.4 0.6] | | [0.4 0.2 0.8]] | [0.7 0.3]] | ========================================= >>> aprint(arr_x, arr_y, arr_y[:1], name_list=['X', 'Y', 'Y_1']) ============================================================ | X | Y | Y_1 | | (2, 3) | (2, 2) | (1, 2) | ============================================================ | [[0.6 0.5 0.1] | [[0.4 0.6] | [[0.4 0.6]] | | [0.4 0.2 0.8]] | [0.7 0.3]] | | ============================================================ """ if not all(isinstance(a, np.ndarray) for a in arr): raise AttributeError("All objects should be 'numpy.ndarray' objects.") if decimals is not None: arr = [a.round(decimals) for a in arr] arr_shape_list = [str(a.shape) for a in arr] str_arr_list = [str(a).splitlines() for a in arr] if maxlen is None: maxlen_list = [len(max(s, key=len)) for s in str_arr_list] else: maxlen_list = [int(maxlen) for s in str_arr_list] if name_list is None: name_list = list(map(chr, range(ord('A'), ord('B')+1)))[:len(arr)] def formatter(iterable, len_list): base_format = " {line:<{l}} |" return '|' + ' '.join([base_format.format(line=a, l=l) if a else base_format.format(line='', l=l) for (a, l) in zip(iterable, len_list)]) for i, arrs in enumerate(it.zip_longest(*str_arr_list)): str_line = formatter(arrs, maxlen_list) str_len = len(str_line) if i == 0: print('=' * str_len) col_line = formatter(name_list, maxlen_list) shape_line = formatter(arr_shape_list, maxlen_list) print(col_line) print(shape_line) print('=' * str_len) print(str_line) print('=' * str_len)